Review of current knowledge and available methods in Mexico, Bavaria and Quebec for sharing water when resources are limited

This project is making use of well-established collaborations with Mexico and Bavaria in order to allow Quebec to initiate the development of a knowledge base on practices and tools for sharing water when it is limited. 

Project details
Scientific program
2020-2025 programming
Theme(s) and priority(s)
Water Availability
Start and duration
January 2022 • January 2024
Project Status
In progress
Principal(s) investigator(s)
Annie Poulin
École de technologie supérieure


Water is abundant in Quebec, but its availability can occasionally become a local issue during dry periods. Due to climate change, river flows will be reduced during the summer (longer and more severe depletion) compared to the present. This will increase the pressure on the water supply for populations, wildlife and aquatic ecosystems, as well as for various economic activities (agriculture, industry, tourism, navigation, energy generation, etc.). The water shortages that will arise will require the adaptation of water management practices to ensure sharing between the various uses.

In this context, the development of a knowledge base and the practices and tools developed in other countries would be a useful asset for Quebec in order to identify solutions for sharing and managing water.

As such, Mexico and Bavaria are relevant choices for initiating this work. The links between the research team and academic and government partners in these two locations are already well established and both have faced recent or recurrent water scarcity situations.


To review the current knowledge and available methods in Mexico, Bavaria and Quebec for sharing water when resources are limited.


  1. Generate a broad overview of water management by watershed (organizational structure/roles and responsibilities; spatial scales taken into account; amount of surface water and groundwater; type of information exchanged).

  2. Expose the context and extent of water scarcity problems.

  3. Identify and describe the methods used for water management planning.

  4. Identify and describe the preparation, monitoring, and decision-making tools available to communities and other users of water resources.

  5. Identify and describe methods for the participation/engagement of civil society and other users of water resources.

  6. Indicate how climate change is being addressed and by whom, if applicable.

  7. Document the constraints and difficulties encountered as well as the positive elements of the general approach to water management in Mexico and Bavaria, and gather information or testimonies on the perception by the public and water users as well as on acceptability.

  8. Organize a workshop with experts in water management in Quebec to present the results, discuss points of comparison with Quebec and identify the most inspiring ideas.

Expected results

At the end of the project, a workshop will be organized to: 

  • Explain the results of the work carried out

  • Compare results in Mexican and Bavarian journals with the knowledge, methods and tools available in Quebec

  • Identify the most inspiring ideas

Experts on these issues in Quebec will be invited to participate in the workshop. A final report summarizing the main results of the information review on Mexico and Bavaria as well as the workshop will be prepared.

Benefits for adaptation

Support for the identification of adaptation measures in situations of limited water resources through the improvement of Quebec’s knowledge bank.

Scientific publications

Document type
Revue de l'état des connaissances et des outils disponibles au Mexique pour le partage de l'eau…
Escorihuela, E.


This project is financed by the Quebec government and meets the objectives of the Plan pour une économie verte 2030.

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