A shared vision

Ouranos was founded in 2001 in the aftermath of extreme climate events that underscored just how vulnerable Quebec society is to such phenomena. The organization was born out of the shared vision of the Government of Quebec, Hydro-Québec and Environment Canada, with initial financial support coming from Valorisation-Recherche-Québec. Their vision: to provide Quebec and Canada with an organization capable of ensuring a certain complementarity between climate science and society’s needs to effectively adapt to climate change.

In order to promote a climate change science relevant to decision-making, Ouranos proposes an innovative approach that actively engages a broad network of researchers, experts, practitioners and decision-makers. The results and knowledge stemming from such an approach support decisions and choices relating to the impacts of climate change.

  • The Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie (MEI) confirms the renewal of basic funding and project funding for Ouranos.
  • Ouranos is tasked by the Government of Canada and the World Adaptation Science Program (WASP) with organizing the Adaptation Futures conference in 2023.
  • The new Five-Year Plan is adopted.
  • The Quebec Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change (MELCC) announces basic funding and project funding for Ouranos.
  • The partnership between regular members is prolonged through a cooperation agreement protocol, paving the way to the renewal of basic funding for several specific funding agreements over the following months.
  • This year, over 100 projects and activities are carried out! Ouranos’s board of directors accepts the organization’s 2014-2020 strategic plan entitled “Adaptation through Innovation,” which will govern scientific orientations through 2020.
  • Support from the Government of Quebec in the form of basic funding for the Ouranos consortium is renewed for an additional four years.
  • The Government of Quebec announces a grant to Ouranos to help fund the latter’s projects on climate change impacts and adaptation.
  • A strategic plan is put into place parallel to the “Ouranos 2020” brainstorming exercise.
  • An agreement is signed, bringing the total number of members to 14.à Ouranos organizes its first Scientific Symposium, which would subsequently be held every other year. Lastly, a five-year funding agreement is signed with the Quebec Ministry of Economic Development Innovation and Exports (MDEIE).  
  • Ouranos is founded based on a shared vision of the Government of Quebec, Hydro-Québec and Environment Canada, with initial financial support coming from Valorisation-Recherche-Québec.
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