
Regional Climatology and Adaptation to Climate Change

Ouranos is a collaborative innovation hub enabling Quebec society to better adapt to an evolving climate. The consortium brings together upwards of 450 researchers, experts, practitioners and decision-makers from an array of disciplines, collectively working on numerous applied research programs and projects.






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A guide in support of municipal organizations for climate change adaptation

Les dernières actualités


Tornadoes and the challenge of climate projections

In the collective imagination, tornadoes are quite mysterious, arousing both curiosity and fear. However, Quebec also has a record of being hit by tornadoes. In fact, the…

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Will the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season be extreme?

This year’s hurricane season, which has just begun, promises to be particularly active and could potentially hit records. This forecast, widely supported by experts, is…

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Climate Portraits

Designed by Ouranos, Climate Portraits  is a regional portal of climate-related information that offers spatialized information across Quebec. The portal can be used to visualize climate normals, historic observations and the changes projected by climate models. 

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