Food systems

Reinforce the resilience of food systems

The observed and anticipated intensification of climate change could magnify certain challenges for Quebec’s food systems. There are implications for food security, with disparities between regions and population groups.

Ouranos proposes to mobilize and develop the knowledge needed by concerned stakeholders to reinforce food security for the entire Quebec population in a context of climate change in the province and throughout the world.


  • The vulnerabilities and impacts of climate change on certain components of food systems (processing, distribution and consumption), food security and their interdependencies are still poorly understood in Quebec;

  • Food system resilience must be reinforced at all levels, i.e. “from farm to table”, which requires the commitment and collaboration of numerous actors and a series of interventions that will have to be coordinated.


In collaboration with food system stakeholders as well as Indigenous communities, and while taking into account the multiple realities that will be affected in various ways:

  • Further develop knowledge on the vulnerabilities of the various food system components (production, transformation, distribution, consumption) to climate change and the impacts on the pillars of food security (availability, access, use, stability), including the traditional diets of Northern and Indigenous populations;

  • Identify and analyze solutions that contribute to food system resilience as well as food security;

  • Help reinforce the adaptation capacity and mobilization of stakeholders and communities for maintaining food system integrity.

Research projects

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