Collaborate with Ouranos

We are constantly on the lookout for new areas of expertise in a multitude of fields related to the science of climate change adaptation.

Whether you work for a university, a research centre or any other organization with roles and responsibilities in climate adaptation, your skills may be of great value, both for Ouranos and for society!

Likewise, if you represent a funding organization dedicated to applied research in climate change adaptation, we would be pleased to meet with you.

Since 2001, Ouranos has been in an excellent position to support advances in innovation in the field of climate change adaptation.

In order to effectively meet the growing and increasingly urgent needs stemming from the observable impacts of climate change, the consortium carries out its activities and projects through a network of over 500 researchers, specialists and practitioners.

As a reputable boundary organization, our actions help establish firm bridges between shareholders dealing first-hand with issues related to the evolving climate.

However, adapting to climate change is a challenge that entails knowledge and solutions that go beyond the borders of Quebec and Canada; each and every country around the globe has a role to play. It is therefore essential for organizations such as Ouranos as well as research centres and public and private players throughout the world to share their knowledge and experience in climate science and adaptation.

These collaborations are useful in helping to identify shared difficulties and to gather the necessary information to optimize efforts and accelerate adaptation.

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