Water availability

Lower risks related to water availability

Quebec enjoys abundant water resources, though water availability can occasionally become a local issue during baseflow periods. In light of the risk that these phenomena might become more severe with climate change, Ouranos proposes to help reinforce Quebec’s capacity to supply its population with drinking water and ensure that ecosystems and economic sectors are not lastingly impacted in the event of a severe water shortage.


  • Poor preparation for water shortage issues despite the significant impact that they can have on citizens, economic players, municipalities and ecosystems.


In collaboration with ministries, municipalities, watershed organizations and other water management players and from the perspective of sharing water resources between different uses:

  • Evaluate current and future biophysical, economic, environmental and social/health vulnerabilities to a severe water shortage in Quebec;

  • Further develop knowledge on the future evolution of water availability, demand and conflicts over its use;

  • Document and evaluate capacity-building solutions to prevent and manage periods of water shortage.


The QClim'Eau initiative is part of a collaboration between the Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) and Ouranos to make coordinated, scientific progress on hydroclimatological issues. 

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