Ecosystems and Biodiversity . Nordic Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Modelling the future of Arctic fox rabies dynamics associated risk management
The results of this project will be very useful in assisting with the planning of public health measures to prevent human exposure to rabies from foxes in the rapidly changing climate of Nunavik and Labrador.
Scientific manager(s) :
Patrick Leighton, Université de Montréal
Modélisation de la dynamique future de la rage du renard arctique et gestion du risque associé
Leighton, P.
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Spatial assessment of the risk of consumption of contaminated (drinking) water during floods
This project will allow the development of a territorial decision support tool that can eventually be applied to the entire Quebec territory. It will also contribute to increasing the protection and resilience of communities.
Scientific manager(s) :
Geneviève Bordeleau, INRS; Roxanne Lavoie, Université Laval; Karem Chokmani, INRS; Hachem Agili, Geosapiens
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Assessing the performance and uniqueness of hydrological simulations produced by a heterogeneous climate ensemble and recommending a weighting scheme for this ensemble to meet the needs of the INFO-Crue project
This project has advanced our understanding of how hydrological simulations in this type of ensemble must be combined to maximize the information contained in these projections.
Scientific manager(s) :
Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse & Marco Braun, Ouranos
Pondération des scénarios climatiques d’INFO-crue sur la base de l’unicité et de la performance des simulations hydrologiques
Rondeau-Genesse, G., Braun, M. et Caron, L.P.,…
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Programmation antérieure
Project completed
A prospective analysis of the competitiveness of Quebec's agricultural production under climate change
This project allows to improve knowledge about the competitive position of Quebec under climate change for three major agricultural sectors, as well as the identification of adaptation measures that could optimize production costs under climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Guy Debailleul, Université Laval
Analyse prospective de la position concurrentielle du Québec en matière de production agricole dans un contexte de changements climatiques
Debailleul, G.
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Project completed
Increasing agricultural watershed resilience to climate change and land use change using a water master plan : a case study for the Missisquoi bay
This project made it possible to raise awareness on the magnitude of climate change impacts and the evolution of agricultural land use on surface water quality in the future (2041-2070); and to improve the model used to evaluate the effectiveness of various combinations of agricultural adaptation options to reduce sediment and nutrient transport towards surface waters.
Scientific manager(s) :
Bano Mehdi et Berhard Lehner, Université McGill
Increasing agricultural watershed resilience to climate change and land use change using a water master plan: A case study for the Missisquoi Bay
Mehdi, B., Gombault, C., Lehner, B., Michaud, A.,…
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Project completed
Natural disturbances, forest resilience and forest management : the case of the northern limit for forest allocation on Québec in the context of climate change
Taking into account both forest productivity and fire risk, as developed under this project, was used by the committee to study the northern limit for forest attribution in Québec as one of the determining criteria for evaluating a region’s potential for sustainable forest management.
Scientific manager(s) :
Yves Bergeron, UQAT; Sylvie Gauthier, Ressources naturelles Canada
Perturbations naturelles, résilience des forêts et aménagement forestier: le cas de la limite nordique d'attribution des forêts au Québec dans un contexte de changement
Bergeron, Y.
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Project completed
Collaborative decision making and risk management in the context of climate change adaptation : a case study of the project "Le Bourdon model forest"
This project enabled local forest stakeholders to identify key vulnerabilities and preferred adaptation approaches, and as much relevant information as possible to initiate a climate change adaptation strategy, and to become aware of the strengths in their governance practices that can serve as a foundation for building a possible climate change adaptation strategy.
Scientific manager(s) :
Guy Chiasson, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Prise de décision collaborative et gestion des risques dans le contexte d'adaptation aux changements climatiques : le cas de la collectivité forestière du projet Le Bourdon
Chiasson, G., Boukendour, S., Doyon, F., Plasson,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Analysis of the impacts of climate change on maple syrup production in Québec and adaptation solutions
These results help Québec maple syrup producers develop a vision and a development strategy for the sector, taking climate change into account. The results also help MAPAQ and the Table filière acéricole better adapt their programs and support measures and improve strategic planning for the maple syrup sector in the face of climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Daniel Houle, MFFP
Analyse des impacts des changements climatiques sur la production de sirop d'érable au Québec et solutions d'adaptation
Houle, D.
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Project completed
Economic analysis of climate change impacts and adaptation process of the Quebec forest industry
This project made it possible to identify economic sectors influenced positively and negatively by climate change in order to devise and implement compensation measures, which may greatly facilitate the implementation of an adaptation program.
Scientific manager(s) :
Luc Savard, Université de Sherbrooke
Analyse économique des impacts et de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques de l'industrie forestière québécoise à l'aide d'un modèle d'équilibre général calculable de type micro-simulation
Boccanfuso, D., Savard, L., Goyette, J., Gosselin…
Extreme Events . Water Availability
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
LOW WATER LEVELS: Changing hydrological droughts in southern Quebec in the face of climate change
This project aims to get an overall view of hydrological drought episodes in southern Quebec in the context climate change by better identifying the meteorological conditions leading to such events and analyzing their prevalence in future climates. The project could pave the way for a hydrological forecast adapted to low water levels.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marc-André Bourgault, Université Laval; Audrey Maheu, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Previous theme
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Project completed
Climate change adaptation strategies for deciduous forests in eastern Canada
The study summarizes current knowledge on the probable evolution of deciduous forests in eastern Canada, and can be used as a baseline for future observations. Adapted management of forest resources will make it possible to plan properly, while leaving enough flexibility to adjust to future advances in knowledge.
Scientific manager(s) :
Stephen Yamasaki, EcoTerra Solutions
Climate change adaptation strategies for the tolerant hardwood forests of eastern Canada
Yamasaki, S., Delagrange, S., Doyon, F.,…
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Project completed
Economic analysis of climate change impacts on low flows and the consequences for various water uses in the Yamaska river watershed
The study shows that it would be more appropriate then a warning system to consider long-term measures to reduce municipal water consumption throughout the year, along with measures to increase the retention capacity of the watershed.
Scientific manager(s) :
Maria Olar et Catherine Lessard, ÉcoRessources
Analyse économique des impacts des changements climatiques sur les étiages et leurs conséquences sur divers usages de l'eau dans le bassin versant de la rivière Yamaska
Olar, M., Lessard, C., Sauvé, C.
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Project completed
Towards efficient water use and consevation measures adaptable to climate change for the St. Lawrence watershed
Analysis of climate analogs can help water managers and decision makers to direct their search for information on adaptation methods towards regions identified as sharing similar climates, and draw upon the most appropriate adaptation measures from among the water use and conservation strategies and programs already being used by particular sectors of activity.
Scientific manager(s) :
François Anctil, Université Laval
Pour des mesures de conservation et d'utilisation efficace de l'eau adaptables aux changements climatiques pour le bassin du fleuve Saint-Laurent
Parent, A.-C., Anctil, F.
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Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Assessment of climate change impacts on the caribou, the land, the Naskapi Nation, and identification of priority adaptation strategies
The project helped to provide the Naskapi community with a Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan that applies across four sectors: animals, hunting and travelling on the land, health and well-being, culture and learning.
Scientific manager(s) :
John Mameamskum, Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach
Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Caribou, the Land, and the Naskapi Nation, and Identification of Priority Adaptation Strategies
Mameamskum, J.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Building capacity and raising awareness on climate change among local governments and land use planners in Nunavik
The participatory approach used in this project made it possible to develop tools that are appropriate for the people who will use them, and at the same time helped strengthen the adaptation capacity of participants.
Scientific manager(s) :
Michael Barrett et Melissa Gagnon, Administration régionale Kativik
Renforcement des capacités et sensibilisation face aux changements climatiques pour la gestion publique locale et la planification territoriale au Nunavik
Barret, M., Gagnon, M.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Producing predictive maps of permafrost characteristics to guide the development of the built environment in Nunavik communities
The maps produced in this project have already been used to select suitable sites for the construction of residential buildings. The results of these analyses were also used in projects to develop tools for improving municipal management.
Scientific manager(s) :
Michel Allard, Centre d'études nordiques; Daniel Fortier, Université de Montréal
Production de cartes prédictives des caractéristiques du pergélisol afin de guider le développement de l'environnement bâti pour quatre communautés du Nunavik
L'Hérault, E., Allard, M., Fortier, D.,…
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
The Quebec economy and climate change: A sector-by-sector overview
How can we make Quebec's more resilient to climate change? This project identifies the industries to be targeted and offers possible solutions to better understand all the risks, cascading effects and cross-border impacts on the Quebec economy.
Scientific manager(s) :
Ursule Boyer-Villemaire et Stéphanie Bleau, Ouranos
Économie du Québec et changements climatiques : état des lieux sectoriels
Lamy, A., Bleau, S., Boyer-Villemaire, U.
Le secteur de l'agriculture, pêches et alimentation
Le secteur de la construction
Le secteur de l'énergie
Le secteur des assurances et services financiers
Le secteur forestier
Le secteur des mines et de la transformation
Le secteur de la santé et des services sociaux
Le secteur des technologies de l'information et des communications
Le secteur du tourisme
Le secteur des transports et de la logistique
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Project completed
Impacts of climate change on the pavements of the Quebec road network
The project results are directly applicable by the stakeholders in the road sector. The percentages of the relative service life span can be considered in the design phase of the road structures in order to adapt the pavements to climate change. The methodology for selecting a frost index adapted to in the design phase that takes climate change into account is also directly applicable by practitioners.
Scientific manager(s) :
Guy Doré et Jean-Pascal Bilodeau, Université Laval
Impact des changements climatiques sur les chaussées des réseaux routiers québécois
Doré, G., Bilodeau, J.-P., Masseck Thiam, P.,…
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Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Combating urban heat islands with standardized parking lot design
Implementing the design measures described in the guide will contribute significantly to reducing the heat island effects of parking lots. This normative guide can serve to accelerate innovation and become a reference tool for municipalities when drafting regulations or call for tender documents.
Scientific manager(s) :
Paul Gardon, Bureau de normalisation du Québec; Mélissa Giguère, INSPQ
Étude sur la possibilité de mettre en place un système d'évaluation de la performance des aires de stationnement pour lutter contre les ilots de chaleur urbains, basée sur le Guide normatif BNQ 3019-190
Gingras, M.-C.
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Project completed
Analyzing societal and land-use related vulnerabilities to flooding in urban areas in the context of climate change : a Montreal case study
This project has presented a preliminary map and hierarchy of the vulnerability of this area that can serve as a valuable decision support tool for the region.
Scientific manager(s) :
Isabelle Thomas, Université de Montréal; Nathalie Bleau, Ouranos
Analyser la vulnérabilité sociétale et territoriale aux inondations en milieu urbain dans le contexte des changements climatiques, en prenant comme cas d'étude la Ville de Montréal
Thomas, I., Bleau, N., Soto Abasolo, P.,…
Climate Scenarios and services . Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Groundwater use for agricultural production - current water budget and expected under climate change
This project highlights the importance for water users to prepare for prolonged dry periods during the growing season, which could lead to increased irrigation needs, especially when recharge is already extremely low.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marie Larocque, UQAM; Jana Levison, U. Guelph
Groundwater use for agricultural production - current water budget and expected trends under climate change
Larocque, M., Levison, J., Gagné, S., Saleem, S.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Preliminary study to develop a methodology for assessing the socioeconomic vulnerabilities and adaptation capacities of Quebec's forest regions under climate change
This study provides perspectives for the development of one or more decision support tools that would enable forest communities to identify priority areas of vulnerability so that they can develop a strategy for strengthening the capacity to adapt to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Stephen Yamasaki, EcoTerra Solutions; Maribel Hernandez, EcoRessources Consultants
Première étude en vue de développer une méthodologie pour évaluer les vulnérabilités socio-économiques des communautés forestières du Québec aux changements climatiques
Yamasaki, S., Hernandez, M., Louvel, J., Olar, M.
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Project completed
Development of hydro-climatic indicators for predicting temperature and moisture of forest soils and their potential impact on soil fertility
The findings of the study helped refine the indicators that are used to better assess future forest productivity. The findings help identify sectors where certain species may be affected in the future and may serve as a basis for certain forest management choices.
Scientific manager(s) :
Daniel Houle, MFFP
Développement d'indicateurs hydro-climatiques : projection des changements de température et d'humidité des sols forestiers et de leurs impacts potentiels sur la fertilité des sols
Houle D., Harvey, R., Logan, T., Duchesne, L.
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Project completed
Atlas of climate scenarios for Quebec forests
The results presented in the Atlas will help actors of the forest sector to better understand the links between the expected changes in climate and ecological impacts; to evaluate the opportunities and the risks associated with climate change for this sector; to better focus future projects on forest ecosystems and more generally on terrestrial ecosystems in Quebec in terms of adaptation to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Travis Logan, Ouranos
Atlas de scénarios climatiques pour la forêt québécoise
Logan, T., Charron, I., Chaumont, D., Houle, D.
Atlas of Climatic Scenarios for Québec Forests
Logan, T., Charron, I., Chaumont, D., Houle, D.
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Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Hydrogeological modeling and modeling of salamander populations on Covey Hill : prospects for habitat conservation in the context of climate change
The results of this study point out that for the salamanders, it may be more important to monitor anthropogenic activities than climate changes. It also allows to illustrate the relevance of a comprehensive approach to land conservation at the local scale.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marie Larocque, UQAM
Modélisation hydrogéologique et modélisation des populations de salamandres sur le mont Covey Hill : perspectives pour la conservation des habitats en présence de changements climatiques
Larocque, M., Parrott, L., Green, D., Lavoie, M.,…
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Project completed
Influence of climate change on use of space by the migratory caribou of Quebec and Labrador
In the current context of declining caribou populations, the inclusion of climate components in the analysis of space use by the migratory caribou sheds new light on the factors that determine the dynamics of these populations. These factors are being taken into account in the development of management plans.
Scientific manager(s) :
Christian Dussault, MDDEFP; Steeve Côté, Université Laval
Influence des changements climatiques sur l'utilisation de l'espace du caribou migrateur du Québec-Labrador
Le Corre, M., Hins, C., Dussault, C., Côté, S. D.
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Project completed
Development of tools taking into account socio-health impacts of climate change during ex-ante environmental assessments of projects in cree territory
The approach and the toolbox have been distributed among various major partners in the environmental assessment field, in particular the Commission sur les enjeux des mines uranifères, appointed by the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE).
Scientific manager(s) :
Geneviève Brisson, INSPQ
Changements climatiques et santé en Eeyou Istchee dans le contexte des évaluations environnementales
Bouchard-Bastien, E., Brisson, G.
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Project completed
Climate change and the synchrony between pests and their natural ennemies : consequences for biological control in the Quebec agricultural sector
The project helped to raise awareness among plant health professionals regarding the potential impacts of climate change on crop pests and their natural enemies.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jacques Brodeur, IRBV
Impact des changements climatiques sur le synchronisme entre les ravageurs et leurs ennemis naturels: conséquences sur la lutte biologique en milieu agricole au Québec
Brodeur, J., Boivin, G., Bourgeois, G., Cloutier,…
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Project completed
Adaptation of the HYDROTEL distributed hydrological model to the Quebec boreal environment
The application and adaptation of the HYDROTEL model to the boreal environment in Quebec will allow Hydro-Québec to better understand past and future hydrological behaviours in these watersheds, and improve the management of hydroelectric production.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Rousseau, INRS-ETE
Adaptation du modèle hydrologique distribué HYDROTEL au milieu boréal Québécois
Rousseau, N., Jutras, S.
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Project completed
Assessment of the vulnerability to climate change of three pilot projects in forest ecosystem management
This project provided one of the first forums for discussing the analysis of vulnerabilities and opportunities under climate change for forest ecosystem management in Quebec. In particular, we were able to pinpoint the vulnerabilities to consider when using FEM management, and produce a decision-making tool to help managers assess the costs of protecting allowable cut against fire activity, which will increase under climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Héloïse Le Goff, Université Laval, Yves Bergeron, UQAM
Évaluation des vulnérabilités aux changements climatiques de trois projets d'aménagement forestier écosystémique et implications pour le développement d'une stratégie d'adaptation pour l'aménagement forestier au Québec
Le Goff, H., Leduc, A., Jayen, K.
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Project completed
Impacts of temperature and water stress on xylogenisis, carbohydrate dynamics and timber quality in black spruce
The results of this study have contributed to an improved understanding of the adaptive capacity of black spruce under climate change, which will help optimize the future management of this species; approaches to forest management that will help reduce climate change impacts on this species; and beginning the development of a tool for predicting the mechanical properties of wood based on the input of environmental data in order to test the impact of climate change on wood formation.
Scientific manager(s) :
Hubert Morin, UQAC
Effets de la température et d'un stress hydrique sur la xylogénèse, la dynamique d'utilisation des glucides et la qualité du bois de l'épinette noire
Morin, H.
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Project completed
Influence of climate change on mixed boreal forest yield
The research suggests that it would be wise to maintain a mix of species, given that they have different responses to the uncertainties in the water balance resulting from climate change. New forest productivity models for calculating timber volumes for harvesting would better capture the relationships between climate, location and growth.
Scientific manager(s) :
Yves Bergeron, UQAT
Influence des changements climatiques sur le rendement de la forêt boréale mixte
Bergeron, Y.
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Project completed
The combined impact of climate change, atmospheric nitrogen inputs and rising soil temperature on the productivity of the boreal forest
One of the benefits for adaptation from this project is the better knowledge of the CC response and adaptive capacity of balsam fir and black spruce will lead to a deeper understanding of forests and their future productivity (and therefore the amount of wood available), which will guide the management of forest resource harvesting.
Scientific manager(s) :
Hubert Morin, UQAC
Impact combiné des changements climatiques, des apports azotés atmosphériques et d'une augmentation de la température du sol sur la productivité de la forêt boréale
Morin, H.
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Project completed
Climate change in Nunavik and northern Quebec: access to land and resources
The project showed that some coastal communities are already feeling impacts associated with environmental changes. The documentation of some traditional Inuit knowledge was made possible as well as increasing community awareness of climate change issues; and the development of awareness activities for community youth.
Scientific manager(s) :
Martin Tremblay, Administration régionale Kativik
Les changements climatiques au Nunavik et dans le nord du Québec: L'accès au territoire et aux ressources
Tremblay, M., Furgal, C.
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Project completed
Effect of water-level fluctuations on tributaries of the St. Lawrence river: a perspective on sustainable development
The project documented the geomorphic response of the St. Lawrence tributaries to different hydrological conditions ranging from very low flows, to winter floods and very high floods.
Scientific manager(s) :
André Roy, Université de Montréal
Modelling the response of the St. Lawrence tributaries to environmental changes: integrated study and development tools
Roy, A.
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Project completed
Planning the implementation of adaptation strategies to climate change through management efforts in the watersheds of Québec
This study made it possible to contribute to the reflections of various governmental and non-governmental stakeholders whose role is to encourage the incorporation of climate change adaptation to integrated watershed management in Québec.
Scientific manager(s) :
Nicolas Milot, UQAM; Laurent Lepage, UQAM
Adaptation aux changements climatiques et gestion intégrée de l'eau par bassin versant au Québec : une analyse sociopolitique des défis et des opportunités
Lepage, L., Milot, N.
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Project completed
Climate change impacts on flood volume and frequency
This project made it possible to produce information to integrate the influence of climate change into the plans of reconstruction or construction of new power plants the ensure the safety of the equipment; plan for probable changes in extreme flood events in order to benefit from the probable increase in hydroelectric production; evaluate various post-processing methods for climate data, which are essential to various studies leading to adaptation.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jacinthe Clavet-Gaumont, Ouranos; Nathalie Thiemonge, Hydro-Québec
Impact de la méthode de post-traitement sur la période de référence et sur le signal de changement hydrologique
Clavet-Gaumont, J.
Impact des changements climatiques sur les volumes de crues fréquentielles
Thiemonge, N., Clavet-Gaumont, J., Merleau, J.
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Development of the regional climate profile of Nunavik
The project will provide access to advanced-level climate information that is not available to date, from a regional perspective, for the North.
Scientific manager(s) :
Isabelle Charron, Ouranos ; Diane Chaumont, Ouranos
Élaboration du portrait climatique régional du Nunavik
Charron, I.
Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Methods for Constraining Climate Projections (CMIP6) over Canada to Support the Hydrological Community
This project aims to reduce snow-related uncertainty in pan-Canadian projections by leveraging the latest-generation CMIP6 GCM projection data. The research involves the use of a weighting method called ClimWIP to reduce the uncertainty of CMIP6 GCMs based on their performance, with a particular focus on accurately reproducing the annual maximum of the water equivalent of snow.
Scientific manager(s) :
Dominic Matte, Ouranos
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Project completed
Development, implementation and evaluation of a strategy to control ragweed pollen
The project helped raise awareness about the health risks related to ragweed for property owners, managers and residents from neighborhoods in the eastern part of Montréal. It also enabled researchers to test the effectiveness of measures such as information mailings to owners of ragweed-infested land in limiting the impacts of ragweed during the pollen season so as to inform decision makers in terms of efforts to be made for heightening awareness.
Scientific manager(s) :
Audrey Smargiassi, INSPQ
Développement, implantation et évaluation d'une intervention pour le contrôle du pollen de l'herbe à poux
Smargiassi, A., Plante, C., Goudreau, S., Hubert,…
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Project completed
Effects of climate on mortality in southern Quebec from 1981 to 1999 and simulations for future climate scenarios
This project allowed to determine the relationship between climate and mortality in Quebec, using 1981 and 1999 climate and public health data. Moreover, it enabled to estimate future increases in mortality due to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Pierre Gosselin, INSPQ
Effets du climat sur la mortalité au Québec méridional de 1981 à 1999 et simulations pour des scénarios climatiques futurs
Doyon, B., Bélanger, D., Gosselin, P.
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Project completed
Increase in pollen concentrations caused by climate change and its impacts on respiratory disease in urban populations
This project highlighted an higher pollen concentrations during the 1994-2002 period, forecasting an increase in the incidence of allergic rhinitis over the coming decades. Moreover, pollen proliferation appears to be exacerbated by the increase in CO2 concentration and urban sprawl according to this study.
Scientific manager(s) :
Michelle Garneau, UQAM
Hausse des concentrations des particules organiques (pollens) causée par le changement climatique et ses conséquences potentielles sur les maladies respiratoires des populations vulnérables en milieu urbain
Garneau, M., Breton, M.-C., Guay, F., Fortier, I…
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Project completed
Urban transformation and climate change: an action research project for building the resilience of the Quebec metropolitan community
This project allowed to integrate the issue of adaptation to climate change into the curricula of university courses on urban and land use planning, as well as to assess and validate proposed adaptation measures based on criteria regarding feasibility and social acceptability.
Scientific manager(s) :
Florent Joerin, Université Laval, Geneviève Cloutier, Université Laval
Changements climatiques et transformation urbaine: un projet de recherche-action pour renforcer la résilience de la Communauté métropolitaine de Québec
Joerin, F., Després, C., Potvin, A., Rodriguez, M…
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Project completed
Climate change adaptation in terms of municipal policies and the reality of the urban territory at the neighbourhood level: a case study of Montreal
This project allowed to raise awareness among the various levels of government and the institutions involved in the development of adaptation policies and actions to the importance of a linkage between the specific needs at the neighbourhood level and the responses and interventions proposed by the municipality.
Scientific manager(s) :
Laurent Lepage, UQAM, Guillaume Simonet, UQAM
Étude de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques en lien avec les politiques municipales et la réalité du territoire urbain à l'échelle du quartier: exemple de Montréal
Lepage, L., Simonet, G.
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Project completed
Implementation of vegetated systems of on-site stormwater control on the urban environment in the context of climate change adaptation
Collaboration with other research teams doing similar work but at different scales or from a different perspective (societal and territorial vulnerabilities) leads to a more thorough understanding of the issues and effects of adaptation choices.
Scientific manager(s) :
Danielle Dagenais, Université de Montréal
Implantation en milieu urbain de systèmes végétalisés de contrôle à la source des eaux pluviales dans un contexte d'adaptation aux changements climatiques : balisage des pratiques québécoises, canadiennes et internationales...
Dagenais, D., Paquette, S., Thomas, I., Fuamba, M.
Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Empirical bias correction of global and regional climate models for the meteorological forcing of hydrological models
The aim of this project is to minimize the biases of general circulation models before they are used to drive modelling, thus considerably improving the quality of regional climate model results.
Scientific manager(s) :
Dominic Matte, Ouranos, John Scinocca, CCmaC
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Project completed
Updating of standards and procedures for designing hydro-agricultural systems adapted to a changing climate
This project allows agronomists and engineers to have access to updated data to help them design hydro-agricultural works adapted to Quebec’s climatic and agricultural context, and to be more aware of the need for taking climate change into account in their practices thanks to a presentation on IDF curves under future climatic conditions given at various selected events.
Scientific manager(s) :
Aubert Michaud, IRDA
Mise à jour des normes et procédures de conception des ouvrages hydro-agricoles dans un contexte de changements climatiques
Michaud, A., Drouin, A., Mailhot, A., Talbot, G.,…
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Project completed
An agroclimatic atlas of Quebec • Assessing agroclimatic risks and opportunities in an evolving climate
The Agroclimatic Atlas is particularly useful for managing climate risks and opportunities; supporting decision making for long-term planning at the farm scale and for the entire agricultural sector; raising awareness among agricultural stakeholders about climate change and its impacts.
Scientific manager(s) :
René Audet, AAC, Denise Bachand, CRAAQ
Atlas agroclimatique du Québec: Évaluation des opportunités et des risques agroclimatiques dans un climat en évolution
Audet, R., Côté, H., Bachand, D., Mailhot, A.
Extreme Events
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Post-processing of extreme precipitation projections in southern Quebec
This project puts forward a technique for parametric post-treatment of extreme precipitation in climate models by operationalizing work already underway at Ouranos and Polytechnique Montréal.
Scientific manager(s) :
Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse, Ouranos; Jonathan Jalbert, Polytechnique Montréal
Production des scénarios climatiques pour les projets : impact des changements climatiques sur les débits au Québec (cQ2)
Braun, M. et Rondeau-Genesse, G.
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Critical thermal refugia for Atlantic salmon and brook trout populations of eastern Canadian rivers
Thermal refugia in rivers are critical habitats during a heat wave for some coldwater fish populations. This project determines the distribution and typology of refugia, in addition to defining the impacts of global warming on these refugia.
Scientific manager(s) :
Michel Lapointe, Université McGill
Critical thermal refugia for Atlantic salmon and brook trout populations of eastern Canadian rivers
Lapointe, M.